Young and looking for second opinion


I’m 18, engaged. We’re trying for baby #1. I didn’t think we had a chance this last cycle as we missed having sex a few days. I ovulated two weeks ago, by the way. Yesterday I began throwing up, which I rarely do. I woke up nauseas and fatigued today. I’m spotting very lightly; both light brown and light red, but my period isn’t due for another 3-5 days. I’m around 14ish DPO. Something told me to take a test this morning even though I thought there was no way. And lo and behold, a faint FAINT line on the positive side. I don’t believe it’s an evap line as it appeared in the 3-5 minute reaction window. I just don’t know if it’s an actual positive or if it was some sort of falsey. I need a third set of eyes; Does this look positive to you?