TMI but seriously constipated!TMIIII

The other day I realized that I hadn’t pooped in days. I usually poop every day of my life? But recently nope.

When I finally did poop, I had urges to poop all day long and could barely get anything out. Not until I guess my body decides it’s done, and tortures me.

This has happened to me twice now. I will not poop for days and then randomly have the worst poops where it’s so hard to get out I feel my skin ripping and I’m sitting there like…I cannot get this out? It’s too big? Like this shit is going to rip me in half I know it! but my body doesn’t allow me to stop pushing so i just get extreme urge cramps until I push extremely hard, wound myself, and finally get it out.

I literally just felt like I was going to pass out while taking a shit. Almost fell off the toilet.

How can I return myself back to normal! Nothing in my diet has changed. I think it’s just stress. I’m recently traumatized and have a lot of physical things going on because of that (this is what my doctor told me) but I have got to do something about this! I can barely walk afterwards! It not only hurts when I push it hurts that it’s in there it’s so big that I feel it when it passes down which is why I have no choice but to push so hard I’m gonna give myself a hemorrhoid.

Jeez man! You go through trauma and your body reacts as if the whole thing is offended! I can’t catch a break!