Friend Troubles while Pregnant


Okay so

I have this friend I was insanely close to. Like, I was her maid of honor. I’ve spent holidays w her fam and vise versa. We would dress up in matching costumes for Halloween, and we would probably spend 3 hours talking to each other on the phone every week for years and see each other 2-3 times a month at minimum.

I am 20+3 pregnant and told her at 10 weeks. She acted really happy for me as she knew I had some miscarriages before this. All was well. But after I told her she literally never initiated another convo with me again. I’ll update her with my pregnancy (just sent her my viability scan yest) and will get like zero response. If I ask to see her for dinner (I have last months bday gift and her Christmas gift I’ve been trying to give her) or send her a funny meme she will respond a little but never give me a date. It’s just like, she doesn’t want to acknowledge my pregnancy AT ALL and barely wants to talk to me. I would understand if she was ttc or going through loss but she and her husband like to travel and don’t even want to try for the next few years.

When I was her maid of honor, I was there at her beckoning call for whatever she needed. I spent a ton of money making sure she had the bachelorette party of her dreams. I just wanted her to feel so loved and special. Now, I just want her conversation? The weird thing is, the only problem we’ve ever had was after her wedding when she started being icy to me. After begging her she finally admitted there were a few small things I did that made her mad that included: not being able to make two, two hour round trips to her house and back due to work on a random Thursday, having to rewrite my speech last min because someone else spilled water on it and she didn’t want me to read it off my phone, and not taking her advice on a random thing I asked her about months prior. I found it weird she acted this way and it seemed really self centered to me but apologized anyways bc it was new behavior and then she ended up apologizing for being selfish a few weeks after that.

I guess what I’m saying is, how much effort should I put into fixing this? Is it normal for friends to treat you this way? I don’t know how to handle it and don’t want to be a bad friend but also like, is it wrong to just want to leave it?