Husbands crazy ex wife

I’m going to make this as short as I can and I’m going anonymous because some people know me. When would you say enough is enough? I’ve been with my now husband for over 8 years. Have three kids together and I have a daughter from a previous relationship. My daughter hasn’t seen her father in four years and hasn’t seen his family in over four years. My ex husbands half aunt is my husbands ex wife. This woman has NO kids but has a friend whose son is in the same grade as one of my kids. This woman has the nerve to show up holiday functions at the school with her friend just to try and see my daughter. In February she tried confronting me which resulted in my daughter crying for two hours straight. I dropped the f bomb at her a few times at my one daughter’s kindergarten concert because she wouldn’t leave me the hell alone. Now this morning she shows up at the school AGAIN with her so called friend. She didn’t get to say anything to me this time because we left out of a different door. This woman is controlling. Manipulative. narcissistic. her boyfriend even had the nerve to confront my husband twice over the summer at store. Basically stalked him just to in end call my husband and myself a fucking scumbag. We are people who mind our own business. We don’t contact these people for any reason because we don’t give a shit about them or what they do with their lives. But I’ve just had enough! What would YOU do in this situation that’s been on going for over eight years?

Edit to add: these people have also paid for my ex husbands lawyers and has taken me to court NUMEROUS times over the last eight years trying to get parenting time and everything else. My ex and I split 50/50 but he doesn’t see her like I said for the last four years. Btw. They lose every time they take me to court. We don’t have enough evidence for a restraining order or else we would have already done that. This woman does all this because my ex husband is a deadbeat and he was the only way they ever saw my daughter. Good thing is that our school has cameras so it caught this woman approaching me back in February and they put in a vault for me in case I ever need it for court.