Stomach bug? How long?!

Anyone had whatever stomach bug is going around? Me and my daughter have had a stomach thing this week and it’s been so weird I’m just trying figure out when it’ll be over 🥴

Monday night when I would wake up during the night I’d be feeling nauseous, indigestion, and general ick. Woke up that way Tuesday morning and it stayed that way all day. My daughter threw up that afternoon and appetite was off but generally not too down and out. I have been feeling a little better each day but still bloated and feeling off and indigestion a little diarrhea and my daughter was ok Wednesday and Thursday during the day but didn’t want dinner and woke up throwing up again last night. She’s complaining here and there about her stomach but has been ok. I’m just wondering how long we are gonna be sick!! I know no one can tell me but I’m used to stomach bugs being like 24 hrs and we don’t have flu symptoms. Anyone had anything similar or know what I should expect? It’s just been weird and I’m hoping it’s all gone for Christmas but I’m getting concerned now 😩