Blighted ovum


Any blighted ovum success stories?

4 months postpartum (healthy pregnancy)

LMP Oct 26th

Faint positive test Nov 23rd (surprise)

Dec 20th 1st ultrasound and was told there is no embryo

Sac size 12.5mm x 21.7mm

Could it be that I am not actually 8 weeks pregnant and could have gotten pregnant right before my expected period? Which would make me only 5 or 6 weeks pregnant at my first ultrasound if that..

Dec 22nd very dark positive tests

Zero bleeding w/ preg symptoms and hcg seems to have increased a lot according to my preg tests

Any input?

Doc told me if no bleeding soon to schedule a D&C. This seems sudden. I am going to wait a few more weeks and ask for another ultrasound.