Is this annoying?

Would this bother you or am I over reacting?

I have two kids aged 3 and 4. My 3 year old is a pretty rough kid, she still tantrums daily, she’s very very strong willed. She’s not easy. My 4 year is old special needs, but generally easier than my 3 year old

Anyway, my sister in law has two kids ages 11 and 13 so she has given me a shit load of unsolicited parenting advice, but her best comments to me are that she is constantly telling me that these are the easier years and they just get harder from here. I have no doubt she is right, but it’s annoying when I’m dealing with a full out meltdown wanting to rip my hair out of my head and she’s chirping “these are the easy years, it gets harder from here!” I guess i don’t really understand the point of her comment when I’m clearly having a hard time? It’s not really helpful or supportive at the moment

So that annoys the shit out of me.