9DPO - Positive Pregmate before FRER?? Or just an evap and indent? (Read for more)

The top is from this morning. It was negative during the appropriate time frame and has a faint line now that it’s super dry (obviously an evap). But then I took the second one tonight and I still see a faint line?? Photo was within an appropriate time frame.

FRER this morning was STARK white. No point in posting the pic. Didn’t take another tonight because I didn’t want to waste it since they’re so expensive.

Anyone get bad indents with Pregmate? I’ve used SO many before and never have, but there’s always a first for everything. With my second, I got a faint positive on both FRER and Pregmate the same day, but the negative FRER this morning is throwing me off.

What do you think??

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