No Libido. Ever. Help?


I’m an 18 year old and for some reason I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to masturbate or be the recipient of sex since at least 6 years ago. (i know.)

I have a sex life, and very frequently I enjoy servicing my partner, but whenever they offer to return the favor i feel…. nothing. or if i feel something, there is no achievable way to get it, and it disappears within minutes.

It’s really frustrating, mainly because everyone goes on and on about how great anything sexual feels but I feel like I’m missing out.

What can I do?? I’ve tried:

- sex toys (they’re too strong and make me feel numb more than anything else)

- abstinence (made me realize how much of a chore it was trying to make myself feel like this)

- masturbating MORE than usual (tiring, time consuming, etc.)

…and none of it works. if there is any insight anyone could provide, it would be greatly appreciated.