Past trauma/ dreaming obsessively during pregnancy

Ok so I’ve been abused by several people in my life, and/ or knew they abused others as well. I have had 4 full term pregnancies and am currently pregnant with #8. I’ve noticed that when I was pregnant with my #3 (with my now husband) that I become obsessive while I’m asleep. The obsessions form into dreams and it affects how I feel about it throughout the day. With my #3 I dreamed about my ex boyfriend. The dreams was about how wonderful and good our relationships would have been with us together. The reality was he was an alcoholic, he was so toxic, called me every names in the book even if I didn’t give him the reactions he was seeking, he has stolen money from me, so on and so forth. I left him a year before I met my husband. He stalked me for 2 years. After #3 was born, my obsession dreams stopped.

#4 I dreamed about how my step dad molested me. I dreamed that we had sexual relationships when I was 13, and how I enjoyed it. The reality was he never went beyond touching me. Which is a relief. But it’s also so sickening to dream about something I desperately hate, something I’m very angry about. After #4 was born the dreams stopped.

Current pregnancy, I’m dreaming about my half brother. He had sexually assaulted most of us siblings. He has sexually assaulted animals as well. He had just gotten out of prison after serving just 9 years. He got caught by one of our siblings sexually assaulting my nephew. Our mother turned blind eyes, she even defended him, claimed his innocence. She brought him to my house several times where I’ve pitched a fit and told her that I’ve asked her not to bring him around. This was before he got caught with my nephew. Now I’m dreaming that our mom brought him to my house again. I’m dreaming I went and got my gun, then went back to him where I proceed to shoot him in his head.

I’ve called my doctor about this. I’ve been prescribed Zoloft and I’m being referred to a therapist. Im wondering if anyone else have had similar experiences during the pregnancy?