I have a feeling

God just wants me fat.

I was going to start working out 2 weeks ago and then the day I was going to open my gym membership I got covid and even though im covid negative now my fatigue and breathing issues are still outta control.

I already have a disability I've been battling for 15 years, but now this. Come on.

At least maybe that'll mean the new year resolution people might have given up by the time I feel well enough to go to the gym?

EDIT: Well yall I actually don't want to lose weight, I want to get SWOLL AF. Just kidding. I'm wanting to join a gym for the pool as I have many joint pain issues and used to be on swim team, so I'm going back to what I know. I am overweight but that is largely due to medication side effects which aren't really controllable as a disabled person. It fluctuates about 50 pounds depending on what meds im on, the fat comment was just joking around, although it is true that I am fat haha. Just trying to be as healthy as I can un this broken body. Thanks for all your advice anyway you're so sweet.

Im only waiting because being post covid pretty much getting out of my chair has me out of breath. I have a dog though so I'm definitely getting my steps in whether or not I can succeed in breathing.