TTC again

Cristina • Counting my blessings.

We decided to try again after the 4th loss. No doctor can tell us why we cant have another baby but that I do have a lot of scar tissues from pass surgeries. I am bless to already have three children, two from a previous and one with my husband, but now that we want another baby its been impossible.

My two babies from a previous relationship, I got pregnant at 19, both pregnancy unplanned and I felt alone. My husband has helped me raise them and is their father no matter what DNA say. We got pregnant with our own child and I felt like we were just in survival mode. We created a life for ourselves and the kids. We both have careers, bought a house and bust are booty going back to school to provide for the kiddos.

Weve been trying since 2018 with 4 losses and heart break. We’re trying again in 2023 and im scared.. pls keep us in ur prayers.. we’re amazing parents and we’ve been holding onto hope..