What should I have done?

Am I in the wrong here ladies?

Thursday night I had sex with my bf. On Friday, he slept over and wanted more but I was exhausted. On Saturday; I spent the whole day cleaning and organizing for the new year. I also made my boyfriends favorite dinner. He recently told me that he thinks I purposely make myself busy when he is around as an excuse to not hang with him. I do hang with him but I am also a mom and have responsibilities. Saturday after dinner, we had a drink and watched a movie. He ended up sleeping while I was awake. I woke up Sunday morning at 7:30 to cook New Years Dinner. From about 7 to 3. I was on my feet. Back killing me. He asked maybe once if I needed help but I declined because I clean as I go. After I finished I asked if he could take out the trash. He went to go sit back down, as he was doing for the whole time. Once in a while I wiuld try to cuddle but he would push me away. He then said that all he wanted was some “ cheeks” ( vagina) and I said ok ill take a shower. Exhausted and all. He then declined. So i said ok and went to lay down for 15 minutes before making food deliveries. I get up to finally leave and he decided he wants to WASH dishes now. I politely tell him its ok, I will wash them when I get back. He proceeds. I ask him if he can help me downstairs with the food and he tells me to put it into my wagon. I declined because one of the wheels on the wagon does not work and pulling it hurts my back. He continues to wash dishes so I walk out. This haopened around 5. He didnt talk or text me until this morning, ( yes, I thnked him for cleaning and texted him before him finally responding)