Tubal removal but once again needing BC 😫

Angelica 💝 • Blessed with Twins Aangel💙Aanastasia💗11 Months 👩🏻‍🍼👩🏻‍🍼

So, just a rant because I'm frustrated and didn't wanna do hormonal BC anymore due to my hypothyroidism (hence sterilization) ... This past May I had my twins and they were my 5th and 6th child so I knew I was done having children, decided to due sterilization and OBGYN recommended salginectemy ( both tubes removed ) and I had that done during my C-Section, well you'd think 🤔 I'm good 👍 but nope heavy ass periods/clots and anemia since first period started back up after having the babies... Periods lasting over 2 weeks at a time!! So basically heavily bleeding for about 6 months and needing 5 day courses of Provera pills during my periods to slow and clot the blood/lessen the days I bleed to 1 week but still heavy... Had an endometrial biopsy in preparation for an ablation (benign) 🙏🏼 but turns out I'm not a candidate for an ablation due to previous c-sections scarring made my uterine lining too thin so lastly I'm going to need another IUD which in this case not for BC because I had tubes removed but instead to stop 🛑 the period basically so the bleeding lessens.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Just goes to show sometimes our bodies don't react well to surgeries or organ removal... Ok rant over!! Sorry had to vent... 🙋🏻‍♀️