Question after d&c

Hey, I’d really appreciate some advice if anyone has any.

I discovered at a scan my baby stopped growing at 8+1 so as I was supposed to be 10+1 weeks we decided to do a d&c to remove the pregnancy, I had this on the 25th November, I didn’t really have any bleeding afterwards, just some light bleeding the day of the procedure but nothing much else, I then got my period on the 26th Dec which was quite heavy for 5 days and then stopped, but today I’ve noticed some brown discharge when I wiped this morning so I put on a panty liner which again showed brown spotting this afternoon, I’ve just went to the bathroom and when I wiped I had like really light looking blood kinda pink looking if that makes sense, I’m just a little worried as I thought after a period I’d kinda go back to normal, I did however need a stitch on my cervix as they teared it whilst doing the procedure, I guess I just want some reassurance that it’s normal, any help would be much appreciated.