10 weeks and already starting teething symptoms?


My baby is 10w 4d and for the last three days has just been slightly off. Super clingy, drooling a crazy amount, pink cheeks, no fever, occasionally getting really mad at her bottle (same formula and nipple as always) (she’ll also eat bottle 1 great, fuss at bottle 2, and then be great with a 3rd)

A dose of Tylenol in the afternoon seems to help her settle and nap/play more comfy

Anyones babes starting to have similar days?

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Posted at
My 13 week old has had a lot of drool recently too but haven’t noticed anything else besides that. With my first born though I remember around 2 months he started doing all those things your little one is doing and I thought he was teething but nothing came of it. You just never know with these babies!


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My 2 month old is starting that clicking noise with her mouth and a bit fussier than usual.


Posted at
same omg!! glad im not alone


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My 12 week old has been acting similar the past few weeks. Lots of drool, wants something in her mouth constantly, a bit fussier than normal. She has a few hard bumps on her bottom gums and one on her top gums. I have been trying to remember when my son got his first tooth because I know it was early, but I don’t feel like digging out his baby book to find out😅


Posted at
I think it’s possible. My last baby had his bottom 2 teeth totally through at 15 weeks