
Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

After slipping and falling on ice yesterday and getting severe stomach pain I waited in emergency for 10 hours for a shit doctor to attempt to do an abdominal ultrasound where she told me it’s “inconclusive” because she isn’t trained to know what to look for at early gestation. So I leave with no answers to my pain or if my baby is okay in there. Says I’ll get a cal for a proper ultrasound today. Which I did and now I go bsck to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to have a proper (assuming transvaginal) scan done on baby to be sure baby is in the right spot and this pain is not egtopic.

I’m worried sick I’ve never had this kinda pain before (1 misscarriage and 2 live births) besides the misscarriage but I am not bleeding. The doctor basically said I could be totally fine or I could be misscarrying again and there’s no way of knowing.

Overall it was super unprofessional and my concerns were basically ignored. Now I’m anxious as hell that tomorrow won’t be good news and I just want my baby to be okay. He or she is so loved by my husband and I already. They’ve got 2 older sisters who will love them…

I guess I’m just asking for some prayers or hope that baby and I are okay…