I cancelled my abortion , was it a dumb decision ?


Well I was supposed to get an abortion today with the 300 my mother gave me but I ran out & kept the money… Ive been to the same clinic since I was 16 but something told me to not have it. I feel stupid , I already have 3 kids. Idk why I didn’t jus take the pill. My son is 6 months old today & I would have aborted this new baby but I didn’t. My family keeps talking about I have enough kids already. Im 31 and I have my own place haven’t lived with my mother in years. She very opinionated and always has a say so.

Granted she helped me but I didn’t ask her for any help she offered it wen I was telling her my situation. I jus recovered from having my last baby & here I am again pregnant.. I feel really shamed of myself , I still have the option to get the pill on Monday .. I’m just thinking on wat to do. I plan to leave the man I have my recent baby with .. but that shouldn’t stop me from having my baby.. I don’t know if I made a stupid or smart decision…

My parents know I didn’t go through with it and now saying I jipped them out their money but they don’t have proof regardless they offered it & I agreed to pay it back. I jus want them out my business considering they been supporting me to abort my kids since I was 16 wen I was threatened to be kicked out her home. I’m currently 10 weeks almost 9 weeks and three days now I have a little time