Is it time I let my wife go…

I love my wife truly with all my heart and can’t at the moment imagine being without her. The fact of the matter is tho, just that she does a lot of shady things that just can’t be excuses and I just feel like i’m being played, like in some way she is trying to just trick me like i’m stupid.

So first off i’m not perfect ofc when we first started talking and kinda dating I did get caught talking to another woman but before it went anywhere I stopped talking to her and cut her off because I realized I was being dumb and gonna ruin my relationship with my now wife. Well fast forward months ahead (we got married Sep 30) to about a week ago, come to find out my wife has been doing some shady stuff that really makes me question her loyalty to me. Number one, I found her messaging her ex but she says the account was somehow accessed by her ex and he was actually the one messaging back and forth, not her, which I believed cuz I love her and I try to be trusting of her even though this is the second or third time i’ve found her messaging him but this time doesn’t really count I suppose, it’s the next things I find shady. I caught her messaging her rapist/groomer too. I went through and saw she had screenshots messaging him in early January 2022 as well which was when we were full on together and bf and gf. She was messaging him again the past few days maybe even longer and I asked her about it and she said she just liked the attention he gave her and she sort of felt like she had a problem or addiction and it was hard to stay away from him. I forgave her because I did in-fact have someone that also groomed me and I knew how she felt in terms of the addiction of wanting their attention but I cut that person off and stopped messaging forever ago after realizing how dumb I was being. After I found these messages and screenshots she threw a fit talking about how we should just get divorced that way I can find someone better for me and stuff like that( by the way during the fit she continued to text other men telling them she was getting divorced from me and thinking about suicide, stuff like that. Anyway I forgave her because I love her and don’t wanna lose her, plus she said she was sorry for messaging other men and would try better at not doing it. Fast forward it’s been a couple days and I checked her phone again just to be safe and I find out she has messaged another guy that used to be a “friend” of hers and he was talking about them both meeting up to hangout when she comes back up to her state which I was gonna drive her to. She then happily said along the lines of oh yea it would be fun to hangout when I come back and the guy said he had a guy friend that also wanted to hang which idk why he had to specify that it was a guy friend? Anyway what do I do, it’s 1:52 in the morning and i’m just sad. She’s currently instead of trying to reassure me or anything she just went to sleep next to me

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