Regulate your cycle


I was advised by my doctor from the fertility clinic we go to to start taking a supplement called ✨Inositol✨

Myo-inositol is the name brand but it’s the same thing as Tylenol to Acetaminophen. My doctor advised me to get Inositol from Amazon bc it was cheaper so I did.

I did some research on it & found most women found success after 3 months, meaning their periods started to regulate, so they were able to pinpoint ovulation & conceive successfully. My periods have been irregular for about 2 years or so & I only have gotten my period on my own 6 times in the past two years otherwise I have been prescribed Provera & that did start my period & then I was able to get my period on my own the next month but that’s it nothing the following month.

It’s been about three months since I have been taking Inositol & my period started yesterday! I had been feeling all the signs for my body that my period was coming earlier this week some brake outs, sensitivity in my breast, & a little bloating.

I have noticed such a big difference since taking inositol. Less bloated fersure, skin is cleared up, no random sweet cravings, I just feel better mentally honestly I never realized how moody I could get🫣 in the beginning I would forget to take it maybe two days & could tell a difference. Not having regular cycles does take a toll on your mental state, your body, your mood, evrything. I definitely recommend talking your doctor about the benefits of inositol. I am insulin resistant so inositol & metformin is currently apart of my protocol. ✨Good luck evryone✨🌈