Long Labour


I had decided before my labour to have a mostly natural birth and not get the epidural. I was going to use gas but our hospital was out of the tubing so that wasn’t an option. I was in labour for 37 hours. I went to the hospital in the middle of the night to get a shot of morphine and gravol. I got 3 hours of sleep but the next morning I was vomiting all day! It took me so long to dilate but when I was finally ready to push it only took about 30 minutes. My son was born with a 97th percentile head circumference so I feel pretty lucky that I didn’t need a C-section. I read afterwards that big heads prolong labour. I’m definitely going to try the epidural with the next one, unless I somehow forget how excruciating those contractions were. I wonder if big heads cause stronger contractions because I have a pretty good pain tolerance but that was crazy! It’s different for everyone! I think I will also skip the morphine next time!