Baby constantly wanting bottle

I started out breastfeeding the first week. The pediatrician at the hospital said he had a small tongue tie, and I asked a few times if they would revise it, as my first son had one and we had issues. My mom even asked because she knew how much I struggled with it the first time. The dr assured us it was small and shouldn’t cause any issues.

Well, as I thought, it did cause issues. I ended up with a scab on my nipple and mastitis. And my son is now a month and I’m almost dried up because he doesn’t want to latch very much even though he got the tongue tie revised a week after he was born. His actual pediatrician was pretty upset that they didn’t revise it there, and asked automatically if I was in pain after she inspected his tongue tie for herself. He lost over a pound within that week. I had to supplement with formula because he started becoming a bit lethargic.

Well, he’s a month old, and I’m barely producing an ounce from both combined. Is there even any hope at this point? I try to pump every couple hours, I’ve tried power pumping, and it seems nothing is helping it increase at all.

On top of all this, he is CONSTANTLY wanting a bottle. He almost always has his bottle. The only time he doesn’t is at night or when he’s in a deep sleep, because he is constantly at my breast, and that’s difficult because he gets so frustrated when I’m out of milk. He eats to the point I can’t sit him up but if I don’t feed him he cries, and nothing else seems to be wrong. He’s clean, his diaper is clean, I try rocking him, just cuddling him, letting him try to self sooth, and none of that works. He eats so much, like 5 to 6oz every 2 to 4 hours. Like I can tell he’s uncomfortable, and even then, he still wants more. I quit giving him milk when his belly is pooching out. should I call his pediatrician?

I just feel like a failure. I want to cry. I have been crying.