TW - Miscarriage experiences


TW - Miscarriage! 😔

Hey ladies, unfortunately I miscarried last weekend and (thinking positive / looking forward) I was lucky I passed everything in one go so my womb is completely clear/empty.

My only coping mechanism going forward at the moment is to focus on trying again and being lucky enough that we have the opportunity to try again.

With that in mind, can anyone share any experiences?

Ideal scenario is my body matches google and I will ovulate in the next two weeks😂 but not holding out hope on that.

My cycles are/were 36 days and I ovulated on day 28 on my last cycle where I was successful and fell pregnant.

When did you period come back? And when was the first time you ovulated after your miscarriage?

Was it easier to catch after a miscarriage or was it just as difficult as before?

I know all bodies are different but I am just curious to know❤️