Signs of labor?

Maureen • Separated Momma of 3 Boys Roman 2019 & Ross 2021 & Ryan 2023

I’m 37 weeks, lost my bloody show/ plug 6 days ago. The last two days I get bouts of lightening but it will go away, and out of nowhere I’m sweating like crazy every single Time I sleep and I never had this issue the entire pregnancy. Increased cm since losing my plug, like TONS!! Also am drinking water like tons to keep myself hydrated but I keep getting longer pulling like my round ligament is pulling but with my previous two I only remember that more in my second trimester. I bounce on my ball all the time I do the miles circuit to help with my pelvis, what more can I do to

Prepare myself? I was in prodromal latent labor for two days in the hospital and I’m already at least 4cm for over a week now.