Anyone else have this??

Jordan • Baby girl 2020💗~ Baby girl 2022💗 ~ Baby boy 2024💙

Currently almost 10 weeks pp. I got to a point at like 6 weeks pp where my bleeding would stop for like 2 days and then the spotting would come back. Finally at the beginning of 8 weeks pp it stopped for a week. I finally thought it was over and since 9 weeks pp it has started up again. I’ve also had bad on and off cramping since about 6 weeks pp. I thought after it had stopped for a week and came back that it was maybe my period but it’s still very light and spotty and usually by the end of the day it stops just to start back again in the morning. I’m breastfeeding but also went back to work so I pump and baby girl takes a bottle but only like once a day maybe 3 times a week while I’m gone. Is anyone else dealing with this?? I asked my doctor about it at my 6 week appointment when it was stopping for like 2 days and starting back and all he said was “it should stop soon”. Now it’s stopped for a week and come back again plus I have this on and off cramping that’s pretty painful but this doesn’t seem like a period because it’s extremely light and not anything like what I would expect my period would be. I plan on calling the doctor again but just wanted to see if anyone else has been dealing with this too? I’m a very anxious person as is and as crazy as it sounds dealing with regular postpartum anxieties plus this weird bleeding situation is making things worse lol