Married to an asshole.

Every time I try to address my feelings or a concern my husband doesn’t listen. He just reacts.

He argues but doesn’t let me talk. So then he thinks he’s always right.

I told him yesterday I felt like I wasn’t his person anymore. Few reasons, his communication with me sucks. He’s always irritated. He also mentioned I am a trigger to him and I make him not care so he drinks.

Obvi, this doesn’t sound like being someone’s person.

Any argument, he’s quick to throw things in my face. Say divorce. Yesterday, he crossed the line by throwing in my face that I can’t have kids. Like what type of husband throws that in their wife’s face? He has options to go stay with people, I don’t. I wish he would just go…. I also have a hard time because i hold onto the good memories. I also feel jealousy just thinking of him treating another women right.

Just venting.