Overweight and heading to the Dr.


Hi… so as long as I can remember I’ve always been the fat person. It didn’t matter what I’ve done in the past the only way I’ve ever lost weight is starving myself. I’m not kidding I’ve tried EVERYTHING. Starving works or when I’m pregnant I always lose weight and end up smaller than before I got pregnant. I’m 5’6” 255lbs and have PCOS and I’m totally comfortable with how I look and who I am but my dad recently died of heart stuff and now my moms having heart problems and they’re both super young to be having these problems! I really dont want to have those problems and I really feel like something hormonal is off so I’m heading to my primary doctor in a couple weeks to have a physical done and hopefully get a game plan going. I don’t want a surgery, a diet pill, or a crash diet but I’m so nervous that the doctor is just going to be like “try hard” but I have been! I’ve been feed my body good food and getting plenty of movement/exercise. I’m at a loss… I was wondering if anyone has ever gone through something like this and what was your conclusion/experience? Do I need to ask anything specific? Any comment is welcomed! I’m so nervous I’ll be looked down on.