Holy crap that was a fast delivery!


My son decided to do everything opposite of his older sister. While she came early by breaking my water and then me having to be induced because labor wouldn’t start, my son came a day after his due date and I didn’t even know my water had broken or that I was in labor.

I woke up yesterday morning around 9:30 feeling a dull ache, like a million times before. I figured Braxton Hicks, like I’d been having for the entire 3rd trimester. I got up to pee and laid back down till 10, then felt pain in my side like a sidestich. I thought little man was laying on an organ or something so I got up and got in the shower.

My husband had left the house to get his car aligned and was 20 minutes away.

All of a sudden the dull ache would peak and then die down, and I thought, is this labor starting? I finished my shower and put on a towel and started timing my contractions, and they where only 2 minutes apart. I was confused because they didn’t hurt much and they where so close, but I called my step mom and told her she better start heading our way to pick up my 3 year old daughter. She lives 1.5 hours away.

Then I called my husband and said I think I might be in labor. He turned around and started heading back.

During the 20 minutes it took him to get back my contractions suddenly got really really painful and I couldn’t function. I started to panic and called my sister in law who lived closer to meet us at the hospital to take my daughter. I was trying to get dressed and get our stuff by the door and ready to go between contractions when my husband walked in. I had like a minute at a time between contractions 😳

He grabbed our bags and daughter and got us all in the car and we took off. The contractions where back to back and I started feeling the need to push.

Y’all this kid was nearly born in the car. During the 15 minute drive to the hospital my body was taking over and trying to force him out.

They ran me up to L&D while my husband was parking and when I stood up and they started tearing my clothes off I had a contraction and couldn’t move, I could feel his head trying to come. They practically threw me on the bed and the nurse was trying to check dilation and said I can’t find the cervix!😂 I was like that’s because his head is in there! The doctor on call came flying in and told me to push, that ring of fire and the pressure was AWFUL! I could feel him crowning on that first push and stopped pushing because the pain was so intense, I think he would have come all the way through if I hadn’t held back. I pushed again and his had popped out, then I barely pushed one more time and the rest of him flew out like a slippery otter lol. I had a 2nd degree tear because of how fast he came.

It was all so fast it took me a few minutes to process what happened.

My poor husband and daughter walked in about 1 minute after he was born. My sister in law still hadn’t arrived, so she got to meet her little brother right away lol.

Here he is, little Oliver at 7Ibs, 7 Oz and 20 inches long.

Thank you for reading!