Have you ever had a boob job after kids? (My boobs sag after a baby— explanation below)

I got pregnant at 19. Fast forward im 23, my son is 3 years old. Were thriving and all. My boobs used to be a B cup. During pregnancy turned to a D cup, and while breastfeeding became a Double D cup. I am 5’7, but im a petite type of person, im skinny/ average body size. Well now my boobs sag like crazy. I got sized and they say im a C cup, but my boobs dont fill out the cup, yet if i go smaller its too tight. I just miss having boobs.. for the first time in my life i felt like a woman. I felt curvy. I felt beautiful, and FINALLY confident enough to dress and wear what i wanted. To fill out clothing like i wanted. I was treated like the woman i am. And my looks finally match my personality. I grew up around family thats against plastic surgery. My dad always telling me im beautiful just the way i am, and i should never get any work done. I do feel like a pretty person, and my current bf loves my body and me the way i am. But im so not confident in my boobs. My aureolas are bigger, boobs wrinkled and just all the life sucked out of them. Im tired of not being able to fit clothing how i want to and feel sexy anymore. Pregnancy was the sexiest i ever felt in my life. I dont even want it just purely for cosmetic reasons, im not that type of girl, but i just want to feel confident again. I dont even like taking my shirt off during sex sometimes. Tmi but While riding on top, my boobs dont bounce the same. My bf doesnt care and he says he loves them, he also says if i want to get a boob job then do what makes me happy. Im conflicted!!

Im about to be 24 and i have a toddler, working 2 jobs, just bought a new car, trying to make it in this world. Im tired of people telling me i look like a teenager, and not respecting me as a grown woman/ mother in this society.

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