ERA….to do or not to do


Hi all! Looking for some thoughts….we have been pregnant twice- once on our own ended in a missed miscarriage at 10w6d and then one healthy <a href="">IVF</a> baby (5 day fresh transfer).

Recently completed 2nd retrieval and have 7 embryos (5 day 5 and 2 day 6’s) having pgt testing now.

I have 2 options.

#1- start birth control and Lovenox tomorrow and start prep for FET


#2 do a trial cycle and have an ERA completed.

I’m torn. A part of me wants to go with #1 as I didn’t have issues with implantation with the pregnancy we conceived on our own or with our fresh transfer I also did 4 months of Lupron for a positive ReceptivaDx leading up to our egg retrieval. I feel like that will be a waste if doing #2 and continue to delay everything.

I had an Emma/Alice in Sept which was negative.
