Uk GTT frustration


Hi mamas/mamas to be,

So I have a high bmi and big babies run in both sides of the family. My last pregnancy in 2021, I was given 4 Glucose tests despite passing every time. This second time around I explained to my midwife what happened before and I didn’t want to be treated like that again as I felt they were only doing it because I’m overweight. I went for my normal scheduled glucose test at 24weeks this time around and they didn’t have the syrup drink in stock so offered a blood test instead, I asked if I would have to do a GTT still and they said no, if you pass the blood test and it comes back in normal range then you will not be asked to do a GTT. Fast forward to growth scan at 28w+2 and baby is measuring at 3lb 8oz. Consultant checked my blood results and saw they were in the normal range and then requested I do a full glucose test. Despite my midwife, the consultant herself, the nurses who offered the blood test instead of the full glucose test all promising I wouldn’t have to and I’d be left alone if I passed. I feel I’m being discriminated against because I’m high BMI.

Anyone else had this? Despite having good results?