Early period after trigger shot?


Has anyone gotten an early period after getting a trigger shot? Feeling a little disheartened today, and a bit confused. This was my first month on 5mg letrozole for unexplained infertility after 2 years of trying to conceive baby #2. On March 16th, I received my trigger shot, ovulated 2 days later and had timed intercourse. When checked before trigger shot, I had 7 follicles in total with 1 dominant mature follicle on each ovary. I had a follow up ultrasound to confirm ovulation occured. My doctor said I reacted really well to the medication and that she was hopeful, and I felt hopeful as well. I had a few days of bloating, tender breasts and watery discharge, unusual for me by thought this would make sense with the hormones boost. Anyway, last night before bed, I went to pee, wiped and it was clear, but as I stood up and pulled up my pants, I felt some discharge coming out. I quickly dropped my pants and wiped again, this time showing a lot of pink tinted watery discharge. I've never had implantation bleeding before, but as I was 10 dpo and 6 days away from my period, I thought this must be it! I went to bed feeling excited...only to wake up this morning to what I now believe to be an early period. It's not as heavy as what I would typically expect of my period, I'd still consider it spotting and not flowing, but the colour is bright red 😔 I'm fairly certain I am out.

To add insult to injury, in speaking with my doctor over the phone, SHE is not convinced this is a period, and I've been asked to take a pregnancy test now and one again in 5 days when my period is expected to be sure. She says given that I have had the trigger shot, it is not normal for a period to come this early. It's too late for FMU today, but I am not sure I want to see yet another negative test staring me in the face tomorrow after getting my hopes so high already on this cycle. If I'm truly out, which I suspect I am, I can't take letrozole next cycle because the clinic will be closed for easter during the time I would need to have the ultrasound to check my follicles. The timing just sucks!

Has this happened to anyone else after getting a trigger shot? Was it really an early period or did you go on to get a BFP later?

I wish little surprises like this wouldn't pop up...the 2WW is hard enough on without our bodies throwing us random curve balls 🤦🏼‍♀️