I quit but I'm still scared I'm going to relapse

‼️ TW: drug & alcohol use ‼️

I've posted before about my partner and I having an addiction to weed and alcohol and we've both quit smoking weed we're on days 4 and 5 and have cut back the drinking a substantial amount (he quit weed a day before I did due to the fact things happened at home that caused him to leave for a couple nights) but I'm scared I'm going to relapse, the last time we tried to quit it I got to day 4 and gave in, and now I'm at day 4 again I'm scared I'm going to give in, I keep telling myself I'm strong and that I can overcome it but I also can't shake the fear and relapsing. To anyone who has been in this situation first of all you're amazing and an inspiration to others trying to quit because it's f**king hard but how did you overcome that fear of relapsing?

@Casey no I'm not currently i have thought about counselling but I panic because of my past experiences with them 😔