In general, do you embrace or reject new technology?


Hello everyone. Happy Saturday. I thought this could be a good discussion because it’s evident that a lot of the world relies heavily on technology and the tech world is rapidly developing and has been for some time. I wanted to gage how we all feel about learning to use new technologies.

Me being in my early twenties, the internet has always been available to me. I consider myself to have proficient, possibly even advanced, computer literacy. For the older generations, they don’t have this same experience of course. For me, browsing the web to find information, being able to complete online applications, being able to communicate via email, being able to schedule doctors appointments online, and way more is a breeze. My parents seem to have embraced it, but struggle. My grandparents reject it. They find it unnecessary and although they’ve had to use the internet here and there, they don’t like to, they don’t really know how to, and they avoid it as much as they can.

What’s interesting to me, but perhaps predictable, is that as I’m getting older, I find myself rejecting new technologies, like AI and Chat GPT for example. I genuinely don’t even know what that is lol. And it’s kind of concerning to me, because I see the adversity people face when they aren’t familiar with the internet for example. So it led me to wonder how others are feeling about this and how necessary they think being interested in new tech and learning to use these advancements are. Please share your thoughts and experiences!

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