29w4d should I go to labor and delivery ???

Ivy • 23💕 Mommy of Anastasia and Aniyah 👣 👣 Due with #3 • July 15, 2023

So starting Monday night I’ve been continuously losing my mucus plug, like it regrows and comes back out. I went to the hospital Tuesday night for cramping and I was 1/2cm dilated but no contractions showed on the monitor.

I’ve continued hurting since then and my ob was super concerned yesterday about preterm labor.

Now I’m having the “lightning crotch” pain and back pain but also cramps and pressure that make it feel like I need to poop.

This is my 3rd baby. I had both of my others at 37 weeks but had to be induced for me to have strong enough contractions.

I’ve tried feeling my stomach when the pain happens and it doesn’t feel tight but I’m scared I’ll miss something.

Should I go to L&D?