What's wrong with me?.

I really cannot understand why am I like this. I can't be the first one that sends a text when I'm talking to someone. I can't. Some sort of fear takes over and I feel like they will say that I'm being needy or something, I also want to feel wanted and it's something so simple but it means a lot to me when the other person takes the initiative. I could be with anxiety about not getting a message but I will never take the initiative.  I swear this is not a power thing. I'm not petty I'm not being needy. I overthink stuff. I can have 100 different escenarios of why the other person hasn't text. More often than not it's about them losing interest. What can I do to change this? This guy I'm talking to texted me good morning at 7am, I replied but I haven't heard back. I won't double text, but feeling like this can't be healthy I just don't know what to do.  Please help. 😭😭