HELP! Give advice, stories, prayers anything below


hello so I want to share my story im going through right now because maybe someone else is going through it. I currently do not know how many weeks I am but got a positive pregnancy test a week ago. My hcg levels are triple & doubling regularly but at my ultrasound appointment only a gestational sac was shown on the screen nothing in it. I got my hcg levels checked again they are still doubling and I have another in depth ultrasound appointment in a week, I have read stories like mine and am praying my little bean is going to be in there with a heartbeat. Everyone please pray for me I do have a 3 year old son and he is very excited I just pray all is well and I’m just running a little behind with my body trying to adjust to baby or baby is hiding. Let me know if anyone is going through the same thing. Also my period is very irregular already so I’m just hoping I’m a little behind. My cycle is all over the place honestly.