19 month old, do these look like cavities???

I’m worried about my 19 month old’s teeth. Mostly her four top front teeth. They are a white chalky color near the gums and they have a little yellow spots on them. The bottom two teeth aren’t white chalky but they sometimes have the little yellow spots too... I brush them as best as I can but she’s a fighter and a crier. The discoloration won’t go away and I’m worried about cavities. We have her first dentist appointment on next Friday but I want to know if there is anything I can do TODAY to start helping her teeth. I don’t want her to have cavities. Especially so young! She’s not even two yet. I would feel so terrible. Early on I didn’t try as hard as I should have to brush her teeth because of how much she cried and screamed. I would hold her down with my legs and try to brush as best as I could. My husband would come in and say, “okay that’s enough” like papa to the rescue. He hates when she cries and hates it more when I “make her cry”. Now I’m regretting not brushing regardless of complaints from him and her. I’d rather hear her cry from not wanting her teeth brushed than cry from pain of cavities later. (I will remember this for the next child (coming November)).

I know the dentist will ultimately tell us what might be going on with her teeth and how to care for them. But is there any advise you can give? Does this look like something familiar to you? Did your child’s teeth ever look like this? How did you help get the color back to normal and prevent cavities?

(I tried to get a good picture. She was sleeping and it was dark).
