Don’t know how to handle my toddler

I’m at a complete loss with my daughter. She’s 3 and I thought 2 was bad until she turned 3 in February. Ever since it’s non stop tantrums. I’m not exaggerating she has 10+ tantrums every single day.

Every. Single. Thing. Is a fight from waking up to bedtime. Breakfast, brushing teeth, getting dressed, how we play, etc etc etc I can not do anything right and alway turns into a tantrum.

I read her a book for nap yesterday and she threw a tantrum because I held the book with two hands instead of 1 like she wanted me to. She will tell me and my husband to stop talking if we’re chatting in the car and if we don’t stop talking she starts screaming. If you don’t give her what she wants right NOW, it’s a tantrum.

She’s all of a sudden starting hitting which she’s never done before. She’s constantly trying to smack me all day long out of anger and yesterday we were at a family event and she tried smacking my sister in the face. I did discipline her but I was mortified.

We can’t take her anywhere because any little thing sets her off. She’s so bossy and stubborn. I’ve tried every form of discipline and nothing phases her.

I saw during tantrums to talk softly through it and give hugs but so I tried that as a last resort and she just tries hitting me.

She’s still not potty trained at almost 3.5 and we’ve been consistently trying since 2.5 because she’s just so stubborn and refuses to listen to us.

I’m at my wits end I don’t know what to do with her. I know people look at me because of how she acts like I’m a bad mom and she’s still not potty trained and I feel ashamed. I don’t just let her act this way. I’ve tried everything. What more can I do?😢 I love her so much but she drives me absolutely insane and her behavior has gotten out of control.