Still a little in shock over our surprise gender birth story!


My 4th babe was a gender surprise - i had prodromal labor for the last two weeks of pregnancy and each apt was stuck at 1.5. Cm & 50 % effaced - no never any progress. The false labor was starting to mess with me mentally and I was so worn down. Last night I started feeling crampy - woke up this morning and thought it was another round of false labor. Timed contractions and they were 1.5 min apart 😳 my husband drove so fast to the hospital and I had her within 2 hours of walking through the doors. I was sitting up waiting for the anesthesiologists for an epidural - my water exploded all over my poor husband and then I looked at my nurse & told her my baby was coming out.

She was born literally sitting with my feet dangling off the bed, no time for meds or gloves. I think I was in shock for an hour after her birth and hardly even thought about all the time I had waited to find out the gender!

We now have 3 girls and a boy ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Little miss Stevie Love!