New Mom 3 Month PP

Since I’ve had my daughter, I’m not gonna lie.. it has been kind of stressful. I’ve never been the person to ask for help, I’ve always tried to figure it out myself cuz I feel guilty if I ask for help, like I’m not doing my job as a mom. It’s so unreal how people tell you the snarkiest comments about the things you do throughout your day. “Why are you sleeping at 5pm?” “Why don’t you take her outside?” “Why don’t you hold her?” “Give her a bottle” do this do that. Like do you think I haven’t already tried all those things? If you’re not goons get on giving me a hand, cleaning up for me, wash dishes for me, make dinner for me, take care of her while i can gets decent amount of sleep so I’m not sleep deprived and angry all the time, I always feel rage whenever I don’t get enough sleep cuz truthfully, my family says I have their support but i don’t, they’re working, in school, or complain that she’s crying too much, which makes me feel bad and I end up having to take care of her. Her dad works nights so he sleeps throughout the day, don’t get me wrong he takes care of her when he can but it’s so stressful. Besides him I really do feel like I’m losing my mind and I have absolutely no one to talk to about this.