MIL told me not to do this with my baby :/ is she right?


I’ll preface this by saying that I have a really sweet MIL, who was never educated (which is completely fine and ok), but she seems to have a little complex about it and always wants to be needed or has to tell you that’s she’s done something for you so it’s noticed how much she thinks of us.

Something she does is always tells me to do the opposite of what I’m doing or she does the opposite of what I’m doing with regards to my baby

The latest thing is letting my baby play with a bowl of water.

So after her meals when she was on a high chair, I’d bring a bowl of warm water to wash her hands, because I couldn’t manage washing it under the tap by myself. I did sometimes wet a paper towel and use that but I found my baby was enjoying the water so just let her play with it. I thought she could get crumbs in her eyes (as she rubs them every now and then) and just it’s better for them to be clean after a meal.

My MIL observed this when she was around and sort of scolded me and said to not do this and not get her in the habit of it. I asked why not and she said it wasn’t a good habit. My husband heard and just agreed with her because it’s his mother and whatever she says, he thinks it’s right.

We don’t live with her so I’ve just been letting my baby (17months) still play with water this way, but I’ve seen my husband give me looks (not in a positive way), and Mil is due to visit for 2 months next month, so aside from saying “my baby likes it so that’s why I let her play” I don’t know what to say to ration my allowing baby to do this. Then I thought, maybe I’m wrong and it’s actually of detriment to her but I’m just not aware.

Could someone please help?

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