Ways to keep baby cool in the heat


My 17month baby is struggling as the temperature is rising. She’s just always itching herself, and getting quite hot.

I believe she suffers from eczema, so the heat is just drying her out and now she has it all over her body, as opposed to a few patches here and there, and is constantly scratching herself.

If a fan is directly on her, I’m concerned about her getting ill but I’ve also found that being cool seems to aggravate her itching and she just goes in hard. Im so sad because her once soft and beautiful elbow and skin is just riddled with thin skin feeling so dry.

Im giving her baby massages using Burts Bees or pure Coconut oil, daily, putting SPF 50 (musetela brand on the face and Nivea roll on over her body). I try putting a hat on her but she always takes it off.

I’ve been ensuring she drinks lots of room temp water and cow’s milk and let her run her hands under a tap of lukewarm water for 5ish mins then give her a cooler bowl of water to keep her hands in. Also been giving her a little water melon.

But just want more ideas on what to do, because seeing and hearing her scratch herself till she bleeds has me crying and my heart aching.

What foods do you give for meals - still hot ones?

Using an air conditioner occasionally but that could surely be drying too?