Need a membrane sweep?


Hi ladies! So, I’m due to have my third little boy in mid August. For my first baby, I had a membrane sweep at 38 weeks (no effect), and then again at 39 weeks and had him 2 days later.

My second baby, I had a sweep at 38 weeks and had him 2 days later.

For this third little guy, they I guess have changed recommendations and won’t do the sweep until 39 weeks. That is fine, BUT my OB appointment closest to 39 weeks is actually 39 weeks and 6 days, so basically 40 weeks.

I can’t be sure if the sweeps were successful for me, or if my body/baby were just ready when they were ready, BUT, I am super petite (about 89 pounds pre -pregnancy) so going all the way to 40 weeks, or past, scares me a bit.

So my question is, has anyone had membrane sweeps for earlier pregnancies but not subsequent ones and still delivered at the same time or earlier than earlier pregnancies?