Ignoring waters breaking!

My story probably isn’t as interesting as most lol but I do feel it’s important to raise some sort of awareness maybe!

My waters broke on the 14th, not a huge gush like the movies but a constant trickle. Initially I was embarrassed to get seen because I thought they’d turn me away for wetting myself- although it was clearly not urine, was clear, constant and didn’t smell of wee etc. I also was one of the rare people who didn’t feel my contractions- sometimes I’d feel it right at the peak but it didn’t hurt and I thought it was my baby moving side to side.

Anyway day 3- the 17th I thought I should get checked just in case, turns out it was definitely my waters and I was 2 cm dilated- I had to get induced immediately because my contractions were 10 mins apart and it’s dangerous to leave broken waters that long. This may be obvious to some but I didn’t realise how serious it was when your waters break…. I would not advise just waiting and seeing what happens. In the end I went 4 days with broken waters, it is so so dangerous when it comes in infection. We were both very unwell and had to be pumped with antibiotics and lots of other medicines. We spent a long time in hospital subsequently.

I already feel guilty enough for being so stupid lol and I know most people do know this as everyone I’ve ever spoken to about it, is like no shit 😂 but if there’s just one oblivious person I can help… it’s worth embarrassing myself.

I believe most places have a protocol of leaving it 24 hrs after waters break, possibly 48 if you’re admitted I think?? (For full term pregnancies)