I’m not sure about him anymore

I’ve been talking to this guy every day for almost 6 months now, but we’ve only met three times. He lives 1,5 hours away, but I still feel like we’ve met much lesser than we could have. I have tried to meet up at least 10 times during the time we have spoken but there’s always something keeping him too busy. Either that’s work, school, friends, clubbing, random errands etc. My ex lived 3 hours away and we had no issue meeting, even during the “talking stage” when things weren’t that serious. I feel like this guy is unsure about something or that he isn’t that serious. There is so much more that could have been happening between us if he really wanted to, which makes me unsure about him. I feel kind of disappointed by how slow this is going and how he never takes action, i’m always the one who initiates meeting and if I hadn’t done that i’m sure we would have never met up. Idk what to do because I really like him and I don’t want to scare him away by telling him this either, but I also don’t want to keep moving at this pace.