Body Odor/Pheromone


I can remember being younger & smelling body odor & thinking that it didn’t smell good or that the person needed a shower or deodorant/antiperspirant, something!! Recently, I’d say in the last year and half maybe, for some reason I have met 2 different men that have what some may say is body odor. The 1st one I met, I noticed the smell & it didn’t bother me. I actually even liked it. The 2nd guy was outside working & his “body odor” was wonderful. I even craved smelling it again. I was extremely attracted to him after that & wanted to be near him again. I literally crave his scent. He’s not a bad looking guy, I mean he’s good looking but not like a drop dead gorgeous guy, so it’s not his physical appearance masking my mind but his smell is fucking delightful. I can’t figure out why I want him so badly just because of his smell. I know pheromones are real but damn. I have never physically craved a man like this before. I’m 47, I’ve been in the military, worked in factories, I’m in the medical field & around people all the time, so being around men & understanding pheromones & smelling people is not new to me. It’s this man’s smell….and it drives me wild. I have got to get him off my mind but all I want to do is breathe him in. He is not a single man. So to me he is out of the question. I have never been a traitor to my gender, or the other woman if you will but I cannot stop thinking about him. Please Help me understand this!! And please help me figure out how to stop thinking about him.