hidradenitis suppurativa


Hi everyone, I wanted to share my story on opening up about having HS.

For the longest I never knew how to bring it up to anyone because I was ashamed but I want to share my story to help others who are dealing with HS and are self conscious or scared to tell someone they have it.

I started having it when I was about 15 years old and I didn’t know what it was and I always kept it a secret because I was so ashamed and embarrassed of it. I even kept it from my mom for many many years. I was always scared to go to doctors because I was ashamed of what they would think of me. Finally, no almost 6 years later I have been able to open up about having HS to my family as well as my boyfriend.

I was always scared to have a boyfriend, because I didn’t want to ever admit to having HS because of how shamed I was of it. Now I’m able to admit that I have it and that it’s nothing scary or bad it doesn’t affect my health in a bad way and I’m still a healthy human being. It’s something I was born with and doesn’t mean that I’m dirty.

I’m in a very committed relationship, and I knew that I would have to face the truth and tell him what’s going on I was so scared, and when I told him he didn’t freak out or think it was a big deal at all. He said I don’t think it’s ugly and it doesn’t bother me in anyway and he’s here for me and he’s glad that I opened up to him.

So to anyone who is worried about talking to somebody about having HS being scared to go to doctors or tell her significant other about your skin condition please do not be scared. the only way to help yourself with self-confidence is admitting that you have something that isn’t scary and no one will judge you for it. If someone does end up judging you for it, then they definitely are not meant to be in your life