7 year journey! Here’s to hope for some of you who been trying for awhile!


7 years ago my husband and I had our first miscarriage on Father’s Day at 12 weeks. Hubby was a great support through everything. We tried for a year or so and no luck and decided we will see a fertility doctor. We did all the testing and we were both healthy as can be. So we did 8 rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and never once conceive or even little bit hope each month. That emotional roller coaster was awful! When I tell you it takes you on another whole level of disappointment and frustration it did very much that. That 8 rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> was over a course of 2 years. We decided to become foster parents. To help family become together and get their kids back. First few placement worked out wonderful where parents got their stuff together and got reunified. We did have two miscarriages nothing more than 8 weeks. So we continued on as foster parents. At one point, we got a little boy at 3 month old. We got to adopt him last year at age 3. We also got another little boy 6 months after taking in the 3 month old. And he is now 3 and we put in for adoption a while ago. So we have been praying for that to be finalized. So February of this year, I just gave up on not having a baby. Since I already have a 17 year old and 8 year old from previous relationship. Plus my two little boys. My husband and I were finally content on no more children. Threw out all the baby items and got rid of 2 cribs. April 1st I found out I was pregnant. Walking on egg shells of emotions because we were so scared to lose him/her. We kept quiet. We had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and again at 12 weeks and then once a month from then on! I’m 38 and never imagined going through it all again. Never imagined being pregnant again. Here’s to all of you who needs a little bit of hope. We gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl at 38 weeks 3 days. I went in to be induced. I started on 11/22/23 at 740am with the Pitocin and it was increased every 30 mins. At 4pm my labor contraction were stronger and intense. 4:20pm I was 6 cm, 430pm my dr came in and checked me I was 7cm and before I knew it was having a bloody show. My nurse was trying to hold her head in with one hand and dialing for my doctor to come In with her nose. 2 pushes at 442pm my baby girl arrived. My doctor was truly amazing and respected my wishes on no pain meds and she was the first doctor that I had who I saw the entire time and she delivered our baby. This is my husband first biological child. To see him shed some tears when she arrived. Here to baby dust for those who been trying!