Implantation bleeding? Or AF


I keep searching for similar experiences I am in right now.

I am TTC with my hubby and am super confused at was is going on with my body right now.

So my periods are pretty regular and the first day/second day when I get my period tends to be VERY CRAMPY and LOTS OF back aches with a heavy flow.

I got what I assume is my AF yesterday which would have my cycle 27 days long which is VERY common for me.

The only difference is that my “period” is extremely light and I seem to have no back aches or cramps and this is day 2 of that.

I am HOPING I am pregnant but I’ve been testing negative so far… and I ovulated and during the fertile window had lots of sex…

Has anyone experienced this, and has actually been pregnant? I also got off birth control about 3 months ago but my cycles went back to clock work and seem to have no other ovulation issues.